What are the benefits of SEO strategy for businesses in 2021?
SEO is a popular marketing strategy often adopted by most digital marketing agencies in Mumbai. That said, the Google Search Engine Optimization strategies and rules are always evolving for improving the quality of search results. Earlier SEO was more about ranking the keywords and getting as many backlinks as possible. However, today the focus has drastically changed and shifted towards understanding the intent and the context – semantics behind them. Today, the way of how search engines work and how they are optimized for the best result has completely evolved. Now it is not just about identifying keywords but understanding what those keywords mean, understanding the intent of the user, and providing rich information that contextualizes those keywords. This is what’s now essential in SEO semantic search wherein the algorithm is aligned with the natural language processing and understanding the context and user intent. Elaborating more on this we have today explained what semantic search is, and why is it essential for SEO.

What is Semantic Search?
Semantic search can be described as the ability of the search engines to understand the intent and contextual meaning of searched keywords and key phrases when listing the search results to users on the web. There was a time when search engines would identify and show results of the exact phrasing of a search term with a search query. But now things have changed and the search algorithms have become sophisticated with incorporating semantic search principles when ranking content. For a better understanding of the semantic search principles here is a brief description of how it works.
Semantic Search Principles
The semantic search principles are based on a few factors which include the search intent of the user and contextual meaning of the search term. Search intent is typically understanding what the user is trying to find, learn, find, or buy. Considering the intent of users is a crucial factor in search engines as it can provide relevant results to the search query. Also understanding the meaning of the search terms and the relationships between the search queries, the words/phrases related to the content on the web pages is important. This is because it helps provide results that are closely related to the context of the search query.
Importance of Semantic Search
For years keywords were the main ranking factor in SEO and most SEO agencies in Mumbai would target ranking keywords to rank their website. It used to work in a way wherein repeated use of the target search term several times would get top ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). However, this system was to an extent flawed and not really good for the users of search engines as it was easy to manipulate. Further the results of such technique were low-quality content that only targeted search crawlers and not the users. This also resulted in users having to find relevant information online very difficult as the algorithm may not properly decipher the context and meaning of search queries.
They only produced the exact match to the phrase or keyword. So, that said Semantic search benefits both users and search engines, as it resolves these issues. This refined search technique prevents the use of black hat SEO that manipulates search results. It further cuts down the spam and low-quality content results on search engines. Semantic search is more intuitive and helps users find more relevant results and likely closely match what was searched.
Building an effective SEO strategy based on Semantic Search
For organizations to be competitive in their industry their SEO marketing agency in Mumbai needs to consider semantic search. Understanding how Google Analytics work with semantic search is crucial for business. So when developing content and SEO strategy the Semantic search should be the priority. SEO companies in Mumbai must strike a balance with quality content and technical optimization for better indexing and ranking. With this, there shall be no scope for mediocre content, keyword stuffing, or SEO black hat techniques. Search engines will now be focusing on contextual and meaningful content relevant to user intent and so SEO agencies must work accordingly.